Pirineos Basket Cup

Join the Pyrenees Basket Cup volunteer team!

Help make this event a success for all participants and be part of this unforgettable experience.
It is a unique opportunity to put your skills into practice and meet passionate sports enthusiasts of all ages and nationalities.
Where would you fit best among the following roles?:
You will be the face of the tournament at different hotels, assisting teams during check-in on the first day and throughout the tournament by managing schedules, meals, etc.
If you want to experience the excitement of the tournament firsthand, this is the place for you. You’ll be responsible for managing matches and results, and meeting the basic needs of teams during the tournament.

You’ll be the first medical assistant for teams in case of injuries or knocks during matches.

If you’re passionate about storytelling, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the heart of a multidisciplinary communication team. Your role will involve creating audiovisual content capturing the best moments on and off the pitch.